Xbox 360 - Repair Guide
If you are one of the unfortunate XBOXers receiving the dreaded XBOX "Red Ring of Death" error then this information was prepared for you! You can have your XBOX 360 back up and running in about an hour! Start playing your games again at full speed! When I purchased guide I had access to it instantly after making payment .
They have personally repaired a boat load of XBox 360s. Now you can gain personal benefit from their experience. They will show you how to easily fix the 3 Red Light Error. They also cover over heating consoles, graphic errors, and freeze ups. This step by step guide is easy to understand, and will have you up and running in about an hour. About 6% of Xbox 360s that receive this error cannot be repaired. This means that you have a very good chance of saving your Xbox 360 console! Repair may require a few items from your local Radio Shack or hardware store. Chances are you already have these items.
Do you know that NEW Microsoft has just announced that they are setting aside $1Billion dollars to pay 360 owners to fix their faulty XBox 360s. You can use this guide to set up your own business fixing 360s! There is a lot of money being spent repairing these XBoxes, and you can be a part of that! Learning how to repair your XBox will also save you some major money. Microsoft will not tell you how to fix these errors. They'll ask you to send your system back to them for repair. The typical cost for a repair can be as much as $140 plus shipping and handling. Also - they do not always guarantee a fix!
When I used this guide to repair my own xbox, I was able to save a whooping $230 for games. Searching the internet, you'll find that there are a TON of people having these problems with their XBox 360s. Just do a search for "XBOX 360 3 red lights". You'll find thousands of search results, including people trying to wrap their XBox up in a towel**, and letting it heat up. (** Warning - This may work sometimes for a short while, but in the long run, it will burn up your xbox.) You could buy XBox 360s that have this error - at a discounted price. Then you could use this guide to repair them, then sell them for huge profits.
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